Why Us

Why called Union World?

The name “Union world” means use technologies for water (or The name “Union world” means use technologies for water, implying we will promote our advanced water treatment technologies to the whole world.)


How we are?

Create great benefits for clients, offer well-beings for staffs, earn big returns for shareholders, and do contribution for the whole society.


Why do you need Union World?

Our primary goal is to create value for clients since we know exist means to serve clients. Choosing Union World, you will get great benefits, or we are not the one that you needed.


Where Union World is needed?

Union World specialty chemicals has been designed to suit the needs of wide range of industries, it includes:

Mining: mineral separation, mineral processing, tailings, mine tailing, coal washing, metallurgical industry and others

Municipal: sewage treatment, soil improvement and others

Chemical: Tertiary oil recovery, paper industry, printing & dyeing industry, textile, manufacturing, leather manufacturing, asphalt processing and others.

Food & Beverages: wine making, beverages, sugar refining, alkali making and others.


What’s our target?

Our target is to become one of the most popular companies in Australia.

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